15 August 2015

A Change of Plan

I've recently been dwelling on the development of CHAOS 3 and CHAOS 4. While CHAOS 3 has now been going relatively well the development progress of the bonus game CHAOS 4 has been... questionable.

I have devoted all my effort and resources on CHAOS 3 which is obviously going to be the main game I'll be releasing in just over two months, this game will be available on itch.io as per usual and will differ from my previous titles in the way that it will be ported to Linux as well as having the usual Windows release as well. CHAOS 3 is going well and will hopefully be out by the deadline that I have set. (1st November)

CHAOS 4 on the other hand isn't going so well.

As I said above I have devoted all my efforts onto CHAOS 3 while focusing very little on CHAOS 4, to make matters worse, I planned to make CHAOS 4 in a whole new engine called Duality as opposed to GameMaker Studio that saw the development of Project Plasma Mobile (not Project Plasma) and CHAOS 3. I have been playing around with Duality today and holy shit it's miles different from what I'm used to and it will take some time to learn. However I currently don't have that time right now so as a result, CHAOS 4 will follow the path of CHAOS 2 and 3 and be made in GM Studio. There will probably be a Duality-based game in the future, but due to time constraints this won't be it.

CHAOS 5 won't be it either. (Roll on CHAOS 6 maybe?)

This is good and bad as it means I won't get the experience I want with this engine, but it does also mean that a Linux port will be available for this game as I bought the Ubuntu module for GM Studio yesterday. As I want to give out CHAOS 4 download keys to on the same day as CHAOS 3's release, the lack of development may push the release of both games back by a few days although pre-orders will still start on the day planned.

Which, in case I haven't said this yet, will be 21st September. The actual names of these two games will also be unveiled on this date.

Another thing I need to get across is that I start my next year at college at the beginning of September so obviously this will have an impact on the development of CHAOS 3 and CHAOS 4. Hopefully I should still have a lot of time to spare however as it will be the beginning of the year and there shouldn't be much coursework on so development should still go relatively smoothly.

All of the dates that have been set will be shown on the Game Changelogs page of the blog.

9 August 2015

Upcoming Updates for PP/PPM

Yes, another early-hours blog post.

In my last blog post I put out I talked Project Plasma Mobile (CHAOS 2,) CHAOS 3, CHAOS 4, and I briefly touched up on Project Plasma 2 (CHAOS 5) and gave estimates as to when these games (or in the case of PPM, an update to the game) would be available.

To recap...
  • CHAOS 3 will hopefully be out in late-October. (Halloween maybe?)
  • CHAOS 4 will be a pre-order bonus that will be given away as a free download to all those who pre-order CHAOS 3. Pre-orders will likely go up next month if everything goes well.
  • Project Plasma 2's development will commence in December and will aim for a June 2016 release with CHAOS 6's development starting shortly after that. (I know I didn't mention CHAOS 6 in the post but I've got basic game ideas planned all the way up to CHAOS 9 so yeah)
However I was focusing mostly on future, currently unreleased games whereas I didn't focus much on my current titles - those being Project Plasma (CHAOS 1) and Project Plasma Mobile (CHAOS 2.)

The next update for Project Plasma will either be called 1.0.4 or 1.1 depending on whether I decide to release a big update or not. If it's 1.0.4, expect a few minor tweaks and bug fixes. If it's 1.1, expect some major new content that will likely be in the form of bonus content for those who've completed the main 25 levels of the game. Currently v1.1 is looking more likely as I've got a bonus boss planned for the elite players among you who are able to complete the bonus level (X) while meeting a certain, yet-to-be-decided criteria. (Mostly involving time, score, health remaining.etc)

Project Plasma v1.0.4/v1.1 will be arriving in late-September, just before the release of CHAOS 3. I know I said Project Plasma wouldn't receive any more major updates but I thought of a couple of big ideas and I simply couldn't resist including them in the next (or upcoming) update.

As for Project Project Mobile (aka the little bitch brother of Project Plasma) this will be a major update that will add two more levels to the game. This will likely arrive a few days after the release CHAOS 3 so we can expect this to be released in early November. All this will do is add in levels 9 and 10 as elite levels within the game however as I keep reiterating - this game is a prototype and is currently at the absolute bottom priority for updates.

That's all from me for tonight.


4 August 2015

PPM and CHAOS 3 Related News

It's past 3am here and I'm tired so I'm gonna try and keep this relatively short.

People have been wondering what the hell's been going on with PPM 1.1 which was due out last month, however I didn't put it out last month as the development of CHAOS 3 wasn't going as smoothly as I hoped. Project Plasma Mobile v1.1 will mostly be arriving after the release of CHAOS 3 and it's accompanying bonus game, CHAOS 4. It will most likely arrive at the same time as PP v1.0.4 which I plan to just be a minor update. To recap, PPM v1.1 will bring levels 9 and 10 to the game. These will be Elite levels which work similar to levels 23, 24, and 25 in the PC version of the game.

The good news is that CHAOS 3's development is now back on track and the development process is running much smoother. Expect to see CHAOS 3 this November, pre-orders will likely open up in October. These are my personal target dates and are flexible.

CHAOS 4 will likely be first seen with the pre-orders however it is possible that CHAOS 4 won't be handed out until CHAOS 3 is released to the public. Instead what I'll likely do is hand out a link to everyone who pre-ordered CHAOS 3 so they get access to CHAOS 4. This link will likely be deleted after a set amount of time to prevent abuse. The names of both CHAOS 3 and CHAOS 4 will be revealed when the games are up for pre-order.

As mentioned in a couple of older blog posts, CHAOS 3 will use GameMaker Studio as its engine (same as PPM) whereas CHAOS 4 will make use of an engine called Duality, an engine rarely seen in games so I figured I'd give it a try.

As for CHAOS 5, well I can reveal to you all now that this will be Project Plasma 2 and the development of this will probably start around Christmas time this year, PP2 however will be covered in a future blog post as it isn't very relevant to what I'm talking about here but I hope to have that released by May 2016 although this largely depends on when development of this begins and of course when CHAOS 3 and CHAOS 4 are both complete.

Anyway that's it from me tonight, fuck I need to get to bed.

1 August 2015

Yorkshire Day Sale and Recognition!

So I am happy to announce that to celebrate Yorkshire Day, I have lowered the price of Project Plasma to ABSOLUTELY NOTHING - FREE, for today only.

Not only but it seems Project Plasma is finally gaining some recognition as it has been featured on a French website called Best App Sale which specialises in games that are currently on sale on a variety of a platforms such as itch.io, Steam, and Xbox Live.
Recognition at last lads.
After today the Summer Sale (which I forgot to fucking announce) will commence as usual with its 20% discount.